Harrogate is a town famous for its spa, flowers, international conferences, The Stray, and of course, Bettys. Harrogate can be seen as a very rich town; with a great divide between both those who have, and those who don’t. However, one thing it is not famed for is its diversity.
So, in 2022 we want to celebrate this, for the fourth year. In June, we are holding a parade and party!! It will not just include those from the LGBT+ community, but those from other abilities, genders, ethnicity, ages, and socio-economic background
Our mission is to encompass life in all its diversity and to empower and encourage all to work & live in a fully inclusive arena within the Harrogate District.
Our Aims are :
To raise awareness of issues concerning identity and diversity.
To celebrate diversity within our community.
To engage the community fully in affirming differences.
To work towards a fully inclusive community within Harrogate
To encourage and empower all to share their understanding of diversity